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South Asian Women Enterprise Network (SAWEN)

Are you a woman entrepreneur from India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Maldives and the diaspora looking for a network to connect, grow and receive support for your business?

SAWEN was started by South Asian Centre of Windsor in 2021  when the pandemic had an immediate effect on the employment of and financial well-being of South Asian women in Windsor-Essex. With many South Asian women living in multigenerational households, their caregiving responsibilities increased as seniors were vulnerable and home care was not available.
Many women had to leave the workforce permanently due to being employed in industries affected due to isolation measures or because of their employment in the front-lines. Many were forced to quit to take care of their children who  were home due to school closures and virtual learning opportunities. Other women were forced to support families financially when the main breadwinner in the family lost employment due to the pandemic.

With decreased employment opportunities and financial struggles many women who started their home-based businesses during the pandemic were looking for guidance and support to be successful. Many wanted to get training in various areas such as financial literacy, marketing and social media management and also stress management and other well-being supports.

  • SAWEN organizes workshops that will provide them with the necessary professional tools and skills needed to thrive, helps you connect with mentors and guide you in accessing resources such as government grants and other funds to support and expand their business ventures.
  • SAWEN is a networking and support system in Windsor-Essex. 
Networking Pictures Link - Click here to view the Networking event pictures.

To register and participate in SAWEN’s programs and events, contact us at

Click the link below to access our community page, where you'll find a wealth of helpful resources explained in a way that's easy to understand: Community Resources Page
