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South Asian Centre's Trip To FrankenmuthIn the 1960s, South Asians migrated to Canada and a small number settled in Windsor/Essex County. Due to the small numbers, religious and social gatherings were held in members’ homes and screening of Indian movies was at the University auditorium.

As the 1970s saw more members from the South Asian community settling in the region, the community participated through a committee to showcase cultural activities in events such as Carrousel of Nations initiated by The Multicultural Council (MCC).

The Cultures of India Association was formed and initiated the India Village as part of the Carrousel of Nations with an annual dinner and a variety of cultural activities.

South Asian Centre was formally registered as a non-profit organization in 1986 when The Cultures of India Association stepped in to take over the South East Asian Centre project as well as to provide additional services to the South Asian community.

Over the last 35 years, through various funding grants, the Centre has been providing a range of services, special programs, forums and managing advocacy and health information projects that have an impact on the community.

South Asian Centre is the only Centre in Windsor-Essex with a physical office to serve the South Asian community and offer space to carry out their, groups, programs and meetings.

Learn More about the 30 Years of the South Asian Centre of Windsor
